A NSW Government website

Emergency Management Capability Hub
Enhancing emergency management capability

Online courses

Online courses are offered for eleven emergency management topics.

Enrol in a course below

Showing 1 - 10 of 11 courses
This course runs from 1 Sept 2024 to 30 Nov 2024
The aim of the program is to ensure you have sufficient knowledge of emergency management principles and practices to be able to operate in the emergency management environment in NSW.
10f9dfc1a527e3e2d1d90a0c6d10459413999b7b NSW Emergency Management Program Large
This course runs from 1 Sept 2024 to 30 Nov 2024
The Emergency Operations Centre Concepts (EOCC) program will provide learners with the knowledge and skills to be job-ready in an EOC environment. Learners will gain clarity on the tasks, processes and requirements to work in and contribute effectively towards an EOC's operation.
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This course runs from 1 Sept 2024 to 30 Nov 2024
The NSW Evacuation Management Program will assist learners to understand the requirements and impacts of evacuations in a community so they can acquire a foundational knowledge of the complexities and processes that guide planning, implementing, coordinating and managing the five stages of evacuation.
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This course runs from 1 Sept 2024 to 30 Nov 2024
The aim of this course is to provide a foundational overview of disaster recovery concepts and principles that guide recovery nationally. To successfully complete the course, you are required to complete the two modules in sequence. A certificate of completion will be issued once you have completed the course.
9684dab6f779a6c92d1a8a8b9bf9ffff6def1f63 Disaster Recovery Concepts
This course runs from 1 Sept 2024 to 30 Nov 2024
The aim of this course is to provide a foundational overview of disaster recovery concepts, principles and legislation that guide recovery in New South Wales. To successfully complete the course, you are required to complete the two modules in sequence. A certificate of completion will be issued once you have completed the course.
614ace967ba64f8fe060f32f0887611e0dcfb1a6 Recovery31A292367 F6A5 4B4C B00C 16EBC457E266
This course runs from 1 Sept 2024 to 30 Nov 2024
The aim of this program is to build capability in Non-Technical Skills in Emergency Management.

This course highlights the significance of Non-Technical Skills (NTS) in emergency and incident management teams. NTS encompasses the abilities to effectively communicate, make informed decisions, and maintain awareness in dynamic and high pressure situations.
a3d80e13ea45ddcac3951d4c4ae918cd2da423ea emtraining home 4
This course runs from 1 Sept 2024 to 30 Nov 2024
This course is recommended for all members who sit on a Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC). It covers the NSW Emergency Management Arrangements, committee functions, and member roles and responsibilities.
4bd6974ceb2dff18563c58ce0f63f7c735570086 Emergency Operations Centre Concepts
This course runs from 1 Sept 2024 to 30 Nov 2024
The Introduction to Welfare Services Functional Area Program is a self-paced online course designed for those engaged in assisting people during emergencies. It is especially beneficial for those responsible for providing welfare services to people affected by an emergency or disaster.
4349502e352048a62fb4eb43a7c3d1496bbc8f33 Welfare Services Functional Area Overview
This course runs from 1 Sept 2024 to 30 Nov 2024
National Leadership Education for Disaster Risk Reduction Program
34971c420d9cb9ec129fa7d3571b1e59daee90e7 Emergency Management Victoria logo.svg
This course runs from 1 Sept 2024 to 30 Nov 2024
The Foundations in Lessons Management course is designed as a preliminary pathway for people wanting to undertake further emergency management training. The online course covers knowledge management and lessons management concepts, definitions and processes.
3f8db66165e3c561c172b78754c168b6af34adf0 TzO90nd6WJvJnwwK