A NSW Government website

Emergency Management Capability Hub
Enhancing emergency management capability

Foundations in Emergency Management

Foundations in Emergency Management (previously NSW Emergency Management Program) aims to build knowledge and awareness of emergency management practices and principles so that learners are able to operate in and contribute to the emergency management environment in NSW.

FEM Online-based online

About this course

The program is split into three sections:


1. Emergency management planning in NSW
  • The aim of this course is to explain emergency management planning in NSW including the legal framework for emergency management, how emergency management plans are developed and who is involved in the development.

2. Working together in the event of an emergency

  • The aim of this course is to describe what happens and who is involved in the event of an emergency in NSW.

3. Bringing it together - Case studies
  • This section of the course allows you to translate the theoretical knowledge into real world scenarios of emergency management in NSW. There are 6 case studies to help you translate the theory of emergency management into real scenarios. 


3-4 hours. Online self-paced course consisting of 8 modules and 6 case studies. You may complete the full program or choose individual modules to refresh your emergency management knowledge on specific topics.

Learning outcomes

Emergency management planning in NSW

Module 1: Foundations in Emergency Management: Induction

  • The structure of the program
  • What emergency management is
  • The definition of an emergency according to legislation governing emergency management.
  • The distinction between an emergency, disaster, and catastrophe

Module 2: Legal Framework
  • How Federal Government strategy applies to emergency management
  • How NSW State Legislation applies to emergency management
  • How Emergency Services Organisations are defined in legislation

Module 3: What is an EMPLAN?
  • What information is contained within the state EMPLAN
  • What information is contained within regional and local EMPLANs
  • The approaches underpin the development of EMPLANs
  • The NSW emergency management planning framework

Module 4: Emergency Management Committee
  • Who is responsible for emergency management planning
  • The responsibilities of Emergency Management Committees
  • Who serves on Emergency Management Committees 

Working together in the event of an emergency in NSW

Module 5: Combat Agencies
  • The Command, Control and Coordination model
  • The role of Combat Agencies
  • Who is responsible when a Combat Agency has not been identified

Module 6: Functional Areas
  • The role of Functional Areas
  • How Functional Areas are coordinated

Module 7: Emergency Operations Centre
  • The purpose of EOCs
  • What happens in an EOC
  • The role and responsibilities of the Emergency Operations Controller (EOCON)

Module 8: Recovery
  • What recovery means
  • The principles for disaster recovery
  • What the NSW Recovery Plan is
  • Who is responsible for disaster recovery

Target audience

The course is for anyone in emergency management or an interest in emergency management.


  • Knowledge quiz at the end of each module
  • Case study modules – to apply the information covered in the program

Accredited/Non-accredited training

This is a non-accredited course.

Training location information

This course is 100% online.

Personal information disclosure

Please consider the NSW Government privacy statement.

Upcoming classes and workshops

Title Date and Time Location Enrol
2025 P1 - Foundations in Emergency Management 3 Mar 2025 to 31 May 2025 Online Enrol