Working in emergency management
There are two pathways to being involved in emergency management - volunteer and professional.
You can also visit this link for further volunteering opportunities and information: Volunteering in NSW
Public sector positions are posted on the IWorkforNSW website which can be found here.
To work as a professional in the sector, applying for jobs in your agency of interest is the most appropriate pathway. If you wish to be a firefighter, for example, you could consider working for Fire and Rescue NSW or the NSW Rural Fire Service. If you wish be involved in a flood emergency management role, a job with the State Emergency Service is appropriate is appropriate as they are the Combat Agency for flooding.
The NSW Police have specific positions focused on emergency management known as Regional Emergency Management Officers (REMO). More information can be here.
Council’s also have roles that are focused on emergency management including Local Emergency Management Officers (LEMO).
To work in the NSW Emergency Management sector you will need job specific / task specific capabilities as well as general capabilities under the Public Sector Framework.
Job specific capabilities - these capabilities will be governed by your organisation.
General capabilities - these capabilities apply to all public sector employees. You can read about them here.
In the NSW Emergency Management Sector, there are 25 capabilities that we refer to in the NSW Emergency Management Capability Development Framework. You can download the framework below.
Emergency Management Capability Development Framework (PDF) 4.3 MB